The Walking Dead has arrived in PUBG MOBILE Collect All Rewards of This Event Coming.....
Play as your favorite characters, or utilize their iconic gear, to overcome a threat more dangerous than any walker!
Be the ultimate survivor! Daryl Dixon from AMC's The Walking Dead has the skills to survive no matter the odds... do you? Complete daily Daryl's Journey missions for loot boxes and get a chance to earn the Daryl Dixon skin!

Don't forget to check out The Walking Dead Boardgame in PUBG MOBILE. You'll have to make wise choices about spending your limited Fuel resources if you want to triumph!

The Walking Dead has arrived in PUBG MOBILE Complete matches this weekend to earn rewards, including a permanent AMC’s The Walking Dead T-shirt! Survival brings us together!

The Walking Dead has arrived in PUBG MOBILE Having a sweet ride is a good strategy if you want to survive, and there ain't many rides sweeter than Daryl Dixon's Motorcycle! Earn it via the board game, or get it from the store today!
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